Outer Banks

Solo Beach Cleanups

Written by Tamara Warren | Jul 24, 2020 11:55:47 PM



We need your help cleaning up our beaches. For the health and safety of our community, please ensure you follow guidelines set forth by the CDC, State and Local Governments! Grab a reusable bag/container and take a stroll down the beach or around the block. Pick up all the trash/plastics/litter you can find and document your findings by taking a picture/video and tagging us on social media (Instagram: @surfrider_obx) with the hashtag #solobeachcleanup. Once you've shown your friends, family and followers one super easy and engaging way to protect and preserve the place we call home, PROPERLY dispose of the litter you've collected. Bam, easy, done (till the next solo cleanup).


Thank you all for being such dedicated and caring Surfriders! We love and appreciate you all:) #solobeachcleanups